Susie Graber of Phoenix, AZ is proudly wearing her '95 JCWP T-shirt today as she guards the tool pods here at the Vermont Village build site. Susie and her husband have been attending JCWPs since 1988 and have traveled to the Phillipines, Nova Scotia, and Budapest.
Susie proudly mentions that her husband has been the house leader with Jimmy Carter on four different JCWPs. Lasting friendships come again during our conversation and Susie tells us about a couple from New Jersey whom they met years ago on a JCWP and whom they now travel with each year, sometimes in their RV. She has made so many friends over the years that she says the JCWP always feels like a reunion.
"It's is a very rewarding experience to help others. The lord has blessed us so much and we figure we can give back a week or two each year. It's worth it."
If you are not already friends with Susis Graber, you can meet her next May in the Gulf for the Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project 2008!
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